Club Series Models
The Club Series, TopHat's best selling Class-A guitar amplifiers provide an affordable alternative for today's small club players. The Club Royale and Super Club Deluxe are single channel, 1x12 and 2x12, Class-A combos that work well in many modes. They share a classic front end structure similar to Tweed Bassmans, early Marshalls and TopBoost Voxes, along with an output section run like an AC15/30 - cathode biased, no negative feedback. It never needs biased, ever. These excel as a studio recording amp, for clubs of any size, practice or for pedal boards - these can provide incredible, rich tone in a compact 20-35 watt combo. The Club Series enables an artist to attain the ultimate guitar tone without having to spend a fortune. Feel your hands talking with a better voice, speaking beautiful truth with dulcet tones...
Club Royal 20
20 Watt - Class A - Tube Amp Combo

The Top Hat Club Royale TC-CR1 is a favorite in the Club series. This amplifier has features and controls that allow you to create your own sound, without distorting the sound quality of your guitar. It's built to last, and built to perform. Whether you're using it in a small club, or in the studio, you'll be able to perform at your best. The Club Royale features one channel with high and low inputs. This channel, derived from the King Royale’s full EQ channel features:
Fat-Off-Bright Switch
Treble, Mid, Bass
Master Volume
20 Watt - Class A
Backlit, Top Hat logo
Tube Rectified- EZ81
2x EL84
3x Tung Sol 12AX7
Speaker- Celestion 1x12" Heritage G12H30 16 Ohms
Colors & Styling:
Shown above with Standard Styling. All Top Hat Amps are able to be customized with a wide variety of tolex and grill cloth options. Please email us with your tolex and grill cloth specs.
1 x 12" Standard V front $2199
2 x 12" or 2X10" Standard V front $2399
Empire style $100 upgrade
Super Deluxe
33 Watt - Class A - Tube Amp Combo

The New Super Deluxe features a slightly refined EQ and a larger output transformer to process the larger 6L6 Power Tubes. The Super Deluxe puts out 33 watts of cathode biased Class A Power. Not only does it have larger power transformer, but it also features larger output transformers and is biased to handle 6L6's, EL34's and 6V6's without adjustment. The Super Deluxe features a preamp based on the TopBoost, Tweed Bassman and plexi Marshall arrangement -- mixed with an AC30 type phase inverter and no-negative feedback, cathode biased output section. It lays right in the midst of 3 of the greatest amps of all time. The 30-35 watt power is more than a 20 watter and less than a 45-50 watter, obviously -- but, it really works well for the real world playing environments!!!
Fat-Off-Bright Switch
Treble, Mid & Bass
Master Volume
33 Watts - Class
Back Lit Top Hat Logo
Tube Rectified- GZ34/5AR4
2 EL34 Power Tubes (6L6's or 6V6's can be used without biasing)
3 Tung Sol 12AX7
Custom Heyboer Transformer
Speaker- Celestion G12H30 8 Ohms
Colors & Styling:
Shown above with Standard Styling. All Top Hat Amps are able to be customized with a wide variety of tolex and grill cloth options. Please email us with your tolex and grill cloth specs.
1 x 12" Standard V front $2299
2 x 12" or 2x10" Standard V front $2449
Empire style $100 upgrade
Super 33
33 Watt - Class A - Tube Amp Combo

The Super 33 is a variation on the Super Deluxe and roughly trying to give both channels of the Vanderbilt 33 with some exceptions. We replace the first tube with the EF86/806 -- the fat-off-brite switch becomes an Off-Boost switch. In the off "Clean”mode, it is only the EF86 with only the Gain and Cut knob working. In the Boost mode, it engages the 2nd tube/gain stage, EQ and Master Volume. This is a bit hotter than the full EQ channel on the Vanderbilt 33, which is more just like the regular Super Deluxe channel -- all 12AX7. Because the Master engages, you can control the output level in relationship to the Off mode. It has a lot of great tones in it, including a fatter, more aggressive gain than the Super Deluxe can achieve.
Clean/Boost Switch
Treble, Mid & Bass
Master Volume
33 Watts - Class A
Back Lit Top Hat logo
Tube Rectified - GZ34/5AR4
2x EL34 Power Tubes (6L6 or 6V6 can be used as well without biasing)
2x 12AX7 and 1x EF86
Celestion 1x12" Heritage G12H30 8 Ohms
Colors & Styling:
Shown above with Empire Styling. All Top Hat Amps are able to be customized with a wide variety of tolex and grill cloth options. Please email us with your tolex and grill cloth specs.
1 x 12" Standard V front $2399
2 x 12" or 2x10" Standard V front $2599
Empire style $100 upgrade